About Us
Blue Heron Programs is an employment preparation program for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Blue Heron is passionate about equipping its participants with the resources and skills they need to find meaningful, integrated work.
Our Mission
At Blue Heron Programs, we envision a world where people with developmental or intellectual disabilities are no longer marginalized or kept secluded in institutions and state programs, but live with and among us, sharing the title of “neighbor,” “friend,” and “coworker.” We envision a world where they too know what it means to live a self-determined life, be genuinely connected to a community, and to live with purpose. BHP believes that these three qualities are at the heart of a fulfilling life. We believe that everyone, regardless of ability, has the right to pursue these three things. And we believe that we can help, starting with meaningful employment. It is the mission of Blue Heron Programs for every person we serve to become employed, and through employment, live a self-determined life, rich with connection and purpose.

Why Choose Blue Heron?
Over the last five years in this field, the model we adopted, and are currently using, at Blue Heron has shown repeated improvement in the lives of the individuals we partner with. It has yielded successful employment for roughly 80% of the individuals we have served. Although all employment isn’t successful, our employment team works diligently to ensure every opportunity for success has been identified and followed through with.