COVID-19 Response
​Blue Heron Programs was greatly concerned and aware of the threat that COVID-19 presented to people with disabilities, their families, and their larger support system. We previously offered virtual daily 1:1 meetings focused on each individual and his/her goals, as well as weekly 1:1 in-person services. Our curriculum includes 10 job preparation modules with over 60 interactive lessons, and was designed to be delivered both online and in-person

In-Person Services
With the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, Blue Heron Programs has shifted closer to our intended model program. Currently, we offer in person services for up to 4 hours in a 1:2 ratio (1 Employment Counselor to 2 participants) with limited online services to provide that flexibility for our participants. We do continue to social distance, masked are required for staff, check temperatures daily, and have a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for all staff.